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Ways / Path
The Possible Path to better days. How to help yourself
...Be understanding with yourself. It's vital that you don't expect too much from yourself. Give yourself permission to be disorganised for a while. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes.Keep in good physical conditions, (even a good walk in
the open can help)and through exercise. Sleep as much you can,when you can get it
...Drinking alcohol. Alcohol may seem to help at the time to dull the pain, but in the long run it doesn't help.
Sleep, it's not advisable to rely on sleeping pills for any length of time. In the first few days, they may help you to get to sleep but your body and mind need to adjust naturally to bereavement even if suffering is the only way.
...Deal with your feelings. especially before or when going to bed, can be emotional and powerful. What do you do? Sharing the pain with other members of the family can be helpful, but they may have their own way of dealing with grief and adding yours may not help. A good friend who's not so emotionally involved may be prepared to listen if not then there are support groups that can help. Try and feel something like good once a day.
...Recall happy memories. Remembering the good times with the person who passed on can be painful but healing. Looking at photographs, making a memory book and keeping meaningful mementoes may help, or if still powerful leave it all for a later time.
...Personal belongings.Do not rush to get rid of your loved one's clothes and possessions, even if you're persuaded by friends to do this, it normally does not help It's best to do it when you feel ready. You may want to keep an old jersey which still reminds you of your loved one's special. This is normal.
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