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After all the events have come and gone, you are left alone, what I mean is, even with people around you, you wish to left on your own.After all the events have come and gone, you are left alone, what I mean is, even with people around you, you wish to left on your own.After all the events have come and gone, you are left alone, what I mean is, even with people around you, you wish to left on your own.After all the events have come and gone, you are left alone, what I mean is, even with people around you, you wish to left on your own.
After all the events have come and gone, you are left alone, what I mean is, even with people around you, you wish to left on your own.After all events have come and gone you start to feel alone. People may be around you. You will feel , I want to be away from all this.
..Grief is a normal response to any significant loss. It is not a disease or a sickness. Nor should it be a sign of weakness or an indication of the fact that they are "not coping", as sadly it so often is. It is the natural, human response to any significant loss.
People may encourage you to "be strong" or "not to cry".
.. But how sad it would be if someone we cared about died and we didn't cry or we carried on as if nothing had happened.
..Our grief is saying that we miss the person and that we're struggling to adjust to a life without that special relationship.But you are not crazy or weak, or "not handling things".
.. You are experiencing grief and after a significant loss that is a normal response
.. Grief is like a wound that needs time and attention to heal. For the individual, it may feel like part of them is missing. They may be experiencing many unusual and uncharacteristic emotions and reactions.
...Accept them as they are. They are not looking for answers or solutions at this point. Let them know they have permission to grieve and that you accept them in their weakness and vulnernability. Do not be afraid to show your own emotions at the loss.
...You can say "I find this difficult" or "I'm not sure what to say". Your grief at the situation normalizes their grief. The truth is that there is no predictable orderly time frame for grief.
...Every individual has to go through it at their own pace.


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